Flair Pens or InkJoy Pens?

The debate continues Flair pens or InkJoy pens! Which side are you on? Are you a Flair pens person who swears those are the best, most perfect writing tool? Or are you an InkJoy pen lover who swears by the easy glide writing tool? Is there really a correct answer? No. Our answers are our opinions. What we prefer. Either tool helps us convey a message in a colorful way. I get so giddy when I see all the colors available!
To adults, it’s an easy decision for us which pen we gravitate towards. We are comfortable with that particular writing utensil and we feel a sense of peace when we get a new set. It’s not just me is it?
Solving problems whether which pen is best for us or how to solve a teaching problem are one-in-the-same to me. Let me begin by sharing with you a fantastic guide I created just for you! It is called Teaching Reading to Students with Dyslexia. You don’t want to miss this super helpful guide that takes three common scenarios in the teaching worlds and allows you to choose your ending if you will. Once you chose your answer, there is some guidance as to what your next teaching steps should be. Download it now below, print it off and enjoy!
Grab the guide here!
Making a choice
Not always easy for me.
- This or that?
- Yes or no?
- Take out the trash tonight or in the morning?
- Can my dog survive on hamburgers so I don't have to run to the store for dog food today?
- Hair gel or hair spray?
- Law and Order or Yellowstone?
- Grade papers now or tomorrow?
We are bombarded with choices. Options.
Get gas for my car now or in the morning?
One night my son and I were driving back home from my parent’s house. We live out in the country, so we were on country roads in the pitch blackness of night. I’ve always been a person to push my vehicle to the maximum when it comes to gas.
Just a little bit farther I tell myself!
I can make it home. Well, those thoughts were exactly what I was thinking that night. But…
I ran out of gas.
My son and I were literally stopped dead in our tracks on the side of the quiet, dark country road. The car was not going a bit farther and we were surly not going to make it home.
Before I go on, I must admit my husband is a person who fills up with gas when he has a ¼ tank left. He wants to be safe rather than sorry. He is always on me for pushing my car to the limit.
It drives him nuts I wait so long to get gas!!
Thinking about what my husband was going to say to me if I called him from the side of the road was running through my head. I knew exactly what he was going to say.
My son and I were between my parent’s home and our home, so I did what every daughter does when she has car trouble, I called my dad.
My dad would come to my rescue!
Sure enough, my dad came, with gas in a gas can, poured it into the gas tank by cell phone flashlight, and then Dad followed us to the gas station, in case we ran out of gas again.
We didn’t.
As educators, we have to make decisions daily in our schools.
- Do we teach this or that?
- Do I allow students to write with pens (Flair or Ink Joy 😉), or pencils?
- What do I do if so-and-so gets out of their seat again without permission?
- How do I help him learn to read?
- Why is she always complaining of a headache during reading time?
- And on and on.
Listen, there are many school days I come home and tell my husband, my teenage sons, and my dog, “don’t say my name or ask me any questions.” My brain can’t handle anything more! Have you ever felt like that?
I know I don’t need to tell you teaching is hard. Teaching is grueling at times. But teaching can also be joyful.
Teaching Students with Dyslexia can be Joyful
I hear you now! “How Jennifer?”
Well, I’m glad you asked! Early in my career, I had more bad days at school than good. In fact, I quit teaching after 8 years, mostly to stay home with my firstborn son, but also because I had had it.
- Grades.
- Behaviors.
- Parents.
- Administration.
- Laws.
- You name it, I was done.
Fast forward 9 years when I reentered the teaching field, I made a promise to myself that I would keep a few things in mind.
💡As much as I love teaching, it’s just a job.
💡I do what I can.
💡Keep the fun in learning.
In fact, I have signs in my classroom with those sayings. I put the sayings on post-it notes on my mirror. I repeat the sayings to myself when I feel overwhelmed or frustrated.
The Teaching Reading to Students with Dyslexia guide I mentioned above contains 3 real-life student situations and how to deal with them as educators so we can maintain our composure and keep our heart rate down.
Have you ever felt like this?
I have! Way too many times. I know it’s not healthy, but educators are notorious for wanting to do it all.
Give it all.
Be it all.
Until we physically and mentally can’t anymore.
So, how can you change your thinking? What sayings or quotes can you keep in front of you to remind yourself you are awesome? You can do this. You are doing the best you can.
My challenge is for you to come up with 2-3 sayings or quotes that inspire you to keep going throughout the teaching day.
- Write them down with your favorite pen…Flair or InkJoy…
- Find a few places to put the reminders in front of you so you see them throughout the day.
- I’d love to see what you come up with! Meet me on Facebook at Jennifer Jacobsen Consulting, and share your list and how you keep them in the forefront of your mind. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!
You’ve got this! 🙌
I keep singing, “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” as Dory in Finding Nemo repeats to herself when she is lost! Be a Dory!
So what are you going to do now? Throw all your Ink Joy/Flair pens in the air and give up, or are you going to keep moving forward?
One step you can take right now is to click here to grab the very beneficial Teaching Reading to Students with Dyslexia, 3 Scenarios guide! I’m sure you will resonate with the scenarios and will find solutions full of guidance as you move forward. Print it off and keep it handy.
I have been in the same boat you are in. Heck, I still am on a daily basis! My passion is teaching teachers how to teach students with Dyslexia so the students master reading and the teachers go home thinking this
Teaching Reading to Students With Dyslexia FREEBIE!!!!
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